Make Bird-Kites From CUPS!
Free StyroKite Plans...
MAKE 2 styles of Enormously-High-Flying Bird-Kites, Using Styrofoam Cups of ANY Size...
Ever Genuinely put a Kite Out-Of-Sight?...When People see you Standing there, holding a String attached to Nothing, They get Curious...Make Free StyroKites!
Edward Howard McWhirter, PITTSBURGH, PA. PENNSYLVANIA DeMolay, Freemason 1st Propeller-Driven Car!
PITTBIRD Challenge Kites=STYROKITES=The STYROHAWK Kite+The STRATOHAWK Kite=(Cup-Kite)+CupKite=(Cup-Kites)=CupKites +The BlackjackWave Blackjack Wave Card-Counting Method Systems