and the
FED 93

Every day (since 11/22/1963)
Americans have been played
like a fiddle, and the
conductors have been "our"
93 Federal Prosecutors
per Flight 93.

If you took symbolism
away from the big boys,
they literally wouldn't
know what to do with
themselves...But more
on that later.

These 2 videos were
initiated & gaslighted
by W Pa US Attorneys
David J Hickton
Scott W Brady

Federal gaslighting
is why healthy American
families are still being
kidnapped & slaughtered
(for organ$/depopulation),
mechanical ventilators
(since 1963).

93 US Attorneys also
seal/destroy incriminating
medical records
(per HIPAA).

Below is how 93
US Attorneys
take care of

I explained the M.O.
of medical kidnap/murder
(per respiratory distress)

to Dr Bing Liu
(on 2/6/20 and 2/25/20),
as a Lyft driver.

Then 4 days before
Pfizer's EUA...

When the post-vaccine
excess deaths start
going exponential, then
y'all will wake up?

93 US Attorneys protect
the hideous sins of the
US Government, and not

The excess deaths are
not from virus infection.

So that means what???

Now that the US election
is over, Americans will
quickly learn of the
recent atrocities, per
those who could have
protected US from same.

These are the same people
who just avoided a red wave
(under the false flag of
abortion), who refused
to codify Roe v Wade, for
8 years under Obama, and
for 2 years under Biden.

A current protector of
Governmental atrocities is
Cindy K Chung.

A Doctor Albert Chung has
protected the hideous secrets
of "brain death", since 1967
at the University of Pittsburgh

Dr Chung was my freshman
biochemistry professor at
PITT (in 1971), at which time
I expressed my interest in a
biochemistry-computer science
double major, to explore
what is known today as
Computational Biology.

Get ready for a storm
of "findings", now that
our owners got what they
wanted, in the midterms
(per losing just enough
seats, to excuse them again
for not codifying Roe v Wade).

Bill Gates talks about
depopulating with vaccines,
the same year that the
Simpsons cartoon above
was produced.

Notice how the jabbed man
in the cartoon mocks
the vaccine injured

Back to Flight 93...

US Atty Linda L Kelly
(as "acting" US Attorney)
presided over the
planning of the
Flight 93 fraud, arranging
for the location of the
"crash" to be that owned
by PBS executive Tim Lambert.

Curiously, Linda Kelly presided
(as "acting" Pa Atty General)
over the 9/10/11 AGH murder
of my wife, at the same time
Bush and Clinton dedicated
the fraudulent memorial

On 2/1/11, David Hickton
presided over my wife's
medical kidnap
at AGH, Pittsburgh, Pa.

In August of 2001,
PBS member station
hired Tim Lambert
(owner of memorial land).

On 8/31/2001, PBS aired
it's last episode of
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
(11 days before 911, 2001).

The first episode aired 2/19/68
(3 days after first 911 call),
running for 33 seasons and
912 (not 911) episodes.

An interesting side-point
is that AGC (not AGH)
was dedicated on 911, 1931.

PBS is the mouthpiece of
the CIA (9.5 miles away).

Now you know why JFK
wanted to “splinter the
C.I.A. in a thousand pieces
and scatter it to the winds.”

The CIA has in effect ruined
the immune systems of
countless Americans...

Americans are unable
to change their positions,
because of warmongering
CIA tools (like PBS/NPR).

The first broadcast of
PBS member WITF
took place on 11/22/1964
(per the first anniversary
of JFK's murder)
, to
solidify the Governmental/
CIA post-JFK narrative.

Below is Covid-19's
earliest hero
(Germany's Sucharit Bhakdi).

The truth will get uglier,
every single day,
for the rest of our lives
(regarding "brain death",
mRNA "vaccines",
and God knows what)...

And now, the WHO wants
your child's entire future 72-
vaccine regimen to be delivered
via the experimental mRNA.

Of course, WE THE PEOPLE
will watch, as with every
other Governmental atrocity.

Still think that
none of this affects

It's time to prosecute
the slime, in the
United States
Intelligence Community.

To avoid genocide
by "brain death"...

At first mention of the words
mechanical ventilator, get the
complete medical records,
every single day

until patient is home safe.

MY avoiding genocide
by coronavirus...

At first notice of sniffles,
I lay on my back in bed,
and pour a slight amount
of 0.6% hydrogen peroxide
down each nostril, as neaded
(sniffing to throat each time),
and I avoid AIDS-inducing
mRNA vaccines.

After this (takes 10 seconds),
I put this same solution
into a cheap small atomizer,
sucking the mist to my lungs
(with my mouth)...Don't use
heat to evaporate H2O2, as
heat degrades the H2O2!

A hospital will tell you to
come back when you can't
breathe, so that they can
put you on a mechanical
ventilator (wink wink).

Still asleep?

For the next plandemic,
I'm betting on myself,
and my $1 bottle of
hydrogen peroxide.

Wake Up!

Evidence is mounting, that
reverse transcription
of these mRNA vaccines
(into our DNA) is happening
within hours of vaccination,
which could mean that we
will be continuously self-
boosted with poison
(for the rest of our lives).

Cindy Chung doesn't
protect US, because

When the Government kills
your kin, it is Cindy's
job to step on the
surviving family.

I believe that the
(post-mRNA vaccines)
excess deaths are about
to go exponential, at
which time y'all will
better comprehend the idea
of US Governmental genocide.

To be fair, at least
90% of our doctors
were fooled also.

Now, as to exponential
excess death...

As evidence mounted per
the adverse effects of
mRNA vaccines, the big boys
were forced to start the
Ukraine War (as a diversion).

Now, as evidence mounts
per the possibility of
exponential excess deaths,
our owners could be forced
to call on the ultimate
distraction...Nuclear War.



The same evil behind
these mRNA "vaccines"
has been behind
"brain death"
(since 1963).

Of course Americans
are LED to believe that
there are only 2 posibilities.

Either the their bodies were
ravaged with non-degrading
long stringy clots,
or that they got totally

As criminal Biden would say,
C'mon man!!!

All transplant doctors
(per vital organ$)
are soon to be exposed
per the demons they've

The primary job of
"critical care" medicine
is to keep the brain
perfectly healthy, while
simulating brain death for
the family (via forced hyper-
ventilation, Propofol,
Lorazepam, antiseizures,
vocal cord bypass-in short,
of the scammed vital
organ$ donor.

Fauci advocates death
for Thanksgiving,
and Americans will
eat it up.

Just as the Germans ignored
their version of our owners'
holocaust (1933-1945),

Americans have ignored
our version of our owners'
holocaust, since 1963,
especially since 2019.

God bless Jimmy Dore.

