Above "doctors" are hard-core organ-trafficking medical terrorists in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I've tried my best to get sued (to get wife's sealed complete medical records from terrorist AHN).

Unforntunately, since the truth is not slander, I cannot be sued, nor served a PFA.

And without the complete records, I can't bring my ex-PCP to justice (let alone yours).

And without the records, I can't prove that the Mellons and the Scaifes are the root of most evil.


Sooo, I need yinz to call the authorities (every chance you get, twice on Sunday)!

In my wife's case, records will be destroyed by Allegheny Health Network, on 11 September 2016.

If Americans can't prevent their own murders, then I will embarrass Nazi Dr Hussaini until I do!

If you were "educated" in public schools, then EVERYTHING you know is BULLSHIT!

You can only learn this through experience (apparently), and then it's too late!

The US's owners (THE FED) have always protected Nazi Doctors, from Mengele to Williams.