37 signatures to ASK KDKA TO TELL THE TRUTH... Petitions will stop when Dr Hussaini, Tom Corbett, Linda Kelly and Janet Napolitano are PUT IN PRISON by the USA, for Premeditated Terrorism Treason, and Murder... As well as murder-for-organs enabler Judge Katherine B Emery, who grew up less than 30 miles from Kelly... As well as US Attorney David J Hickton, who co-founded Burns and White LLC, directly next-door to Allegheny Health Network Headquarters, in 1987 (representing White-Collar Healthcare Criminals & Government Healthcare Enforcement Criminals)...Doctor Monah became Dr Hussaini's neighbor in West View just the year before in 1986. Each of Others, as Edmund L Olszewski Esq. said of his wife, "was just doing her JOB"! 412-313-3080...FLEETWOOD MAC LE-JIT JITNEY 15202 ANYWHERE TO ANYWHERE...Text me 24/7...I'll Call Back. FREE "VENTURA" GLIDER WITH EVERY TRIP. HUFFINGTON POST COOBORATION, CLICK HERE. Woodrow Wilson wasn't kidding when he said the following, as the USA, per 10 September 2011, IS THE WORLD'S JOKE... "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men". __Woodrow Wilson, 6 years after signing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, 100 years before DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano would be forced to resign, 2 years to the day after Janet gave the order to murder Rita Joanne Conley, in order to cover up Rita's being terrorized and tortured 24/7 for 7+ months, while Tom Corbett, Linda Kelly, and the FBI watched. How long was Rita tortured and terrorized by Dr Syed Rasheedullah Hussaini? From 211 until 911. From 2/01/11 until 9/10/11, 4 days after Bankers' DHS ordered her murder, to cover up USDOJ's complicity in RITA's Foreign and Domestic Terrorism and Murder. Why would they do this? To cover up AMA's decades' long practice of murdering, via fabricated diagnosis, the Nation's non-productive 47 PERCENT for organ "donations", at $500,000 a pop! JESSE VENTURA IN 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rita "died" via intentional morphine overdose one day short of the 10th Anniversary of the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller/Rothschild Bilderberg 911 ATTACK ON AMERICANS' FREEDOMS, on the 10TH OF SEPTEMBER, 2011. You see, on 6 September 2011, I talked (at offices) with the Pa Health Law Project and ACMS from 10am-2pm explaining WPAHS' exact M.O. for Rita's 7-MONTH INTENTIONAL TERRORISM AND TORTURE (mental AND physical). Then on 7 September 2011, I get my one and ONLY bill for 5 months services from AGH Dr John W Hoyt. Then on 8 September 2011, Hoyt meets with Rita's new Guardian, who tells me Rita's brother wants "closure" via an EEG, which is a hospital scam, as forced hyperventilation (for over 200 straight days), with her trach that she NEVER needed, will give a low EEG voltage reading due to forced Cerebral Hypoxia... So Guardian said "NO". Then later that day, I get a call from John Charles McCormick (an Investigator for PA Bureau of Medical Licensure, who mostly wants to know how many pages of "Complete" Medical Records AGH gave me. When I tell him about 200 pages, he stops and schedules a meeting with me at my McDonalds location TEN DAYS LATER, on the 19th of September 2011. When I hung up the phone, I instinctively knew the STATE was going to murder Rita (per cover up for AG Kelly) and that whatever they injected her with for the phony "heart/organ failure" (to get Rita back to AGH) might take
up to ten days to actually kill her, if not by Morphine Overdose (and organ removal) first... So I'm figuring well might as well pull the plug NOW, and since I knew (from previous CPAPs that I forced them to do) that there was never anything wrong with her, Rita stood a good chance of recovering from the 222 days of intentional torture (initiated by Hussaini) and walking out. What I didn't expect was that they had abused Rita so much (via forced Hyperventilation (AND OTHER MEANS), that when they pulled the plug on the unneeded "life-support", Rita was breathing like she'd just run 20 marathons in a row. The reason AGH gave for pulling the plug was "organ failure", but her heart and lungs worked fine...She was just TOTALLY EXHAUSTED from the intentional 222-day torture...So after about 10 minutes of watching Rita breathe like a race-horse, I turn to Dr Zaiser as if to say Well give her some Morphine to alleviate her STRESS, as THAT IS WHAT THE MORPHINE IS FOR! Well Zaiser got the idea, but WHAT THE DOCTOR DIDN'T EXPLAIN was the MORPHINE OVERDOSE SCAM, that CORRUPT HOSPITALS (which work with the NYODN for example) regularly use for medical convenience PER LAWSUITS and for CASH-FOR-ORGANS. Rita died a couple minutes later FROM THE OVERDOSE. AGH had her cremated (due to a lack of funds per the social security scam of her son, giving his money to a Guardianship Firm THAT DOESN'T EXIST)!!! And the COMPLETE MEDICAL RECORDS were banned to EVERYONE from the day Dr Syed R Hussaini set the fraudulent wheels in motion to have Rita murdered... namely DAY ONE (2/01/11), and given an eventual forum I will easily prove THAT also. The ONLY effective forum I have NOW is to get MANY Petitions signed BY YINZ... If you guys cooperate (just by signing petitions) I will save BILLIONS of lives WORLD-WIDE, lost via Banker-Sponsored MEDICAL TERRORISM-FOR-CASH, FROM THE "UNPRODUCTIVE" 47%... Yes, that means YOU!!! So be literally baffled to death by your GOVERNMENT MEDIA, or SIGN PETITIONS FOR HUMANITY! KDKA HIDES HIGHMARK MURDER! KDKA and HIGHMARK JUST WED! Have Americans become such cowards that they can't ASK a TV NEWS Station to report ON A DOCUMENTED HUFFINGTON POST ARTICLE??? Pick a medical scam...any scam below: *********************************** *********************************** ***********************************