CLICK...825 signatures for KDKA TO TELL THE TRUTH... HUFFINGTON POST COOBORATION, CLICK HERE. FLEETWOOD MAC LE-JIT JITNEY 15202...412-313-3080 "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men". __Woodrow Wilson, 6 years after signing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, 100 years before DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano would be forced to resign, 2 years to the day after Janet gave the order to murder Rita Joanne Conley, in order to cover up Rita's being terrorized and tortured 24/7 for 222 DAYS STRAIGHT, while Tom Corbett, Linda Kelly, FBI, USDOJ, USDHS, Janet Napolitano, David J Hickton, and Federal Marshals, and KDKA WATCHED!!! 6,000,000 Jews...We fight WWII... 12,000,000 Americans in Hospitals...NOTHING... WHY? BOTH HOLOCAUSTS CAUSED BY THE SAME PEOPLE... WORLD BANKERS, enabled by their OWNED MEDIA, OWNERS OF THE WORLD SINCE 1913. Rockefellers funded AMA, Eugenics, Nazi-Germany, and Also AHN's New Partner, JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL... Do you think the average WWII German knew about the 6,000,000? Likewise YOU don't know about OUR 12,000,000! unless "you" are 40% of THE 47%, and they are DEAD! Why am I the only one that knows?
I'M NOT... I'm the only one REPORTING IT IN DEPTH. I've seen enough Corporate, Political, and Medical Evil in Three years to make the original 911 look like a Birthday Party. Understandably, few of you care about this, as you THINK you are on the OUTSIDE looking In. But soon (if you are THE 47%) you will be on the INSIDE of an Internment Camp looking OUT at an uncaring "Productive" Aristocracy, who are looking IN at your group, deciding for example whose organs they might like for their dying Aunt Helen at Johns Hopkins...CAN'T HAPPEN? Eugenics started (praised by Hitler) in California in the early 20th Century, many Eugenics Scholars heiling from the University Of California, which Napolitano headed up after being fired from DHS. Eugenicists believe that Poverty is an inherired trait, just as Roosevelt believed Japanese were incapable of assimilation into Elitist Culture. Well Poverty equals THE 47% (unless you Pretend not), and we all could be sharing the same Camps that the 110,000 California Japanese Americans shared in 1942, or one of the hundreds built since then... You see, all those 1000s of times you Pledged Allegiance to the Flag, it was ACTUALLY THE WORLD BANKERS that you were pledging allegiance to, and UNDER "GOD" was added to the PLEDGE in 1954, the same year the BILDERRBERG CLUB first met... also THE YEAR ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION BEGAN... For good measure, "IN GOD WE TRUST" was added to our currency in 1956...You see GOD represents the ELITE OF SOCIETY, just as it always has, since the World's Leaders commandeered JESUS' Religion for their own purposes since 1 AD....JUST LIKE NOW, YOU POLITICALLY CORRECT ZOMBIE GOVERNMENT ROBOTS! No Offense! No one said "BOO" to the 115,000 Japanese Americans living in Hawaii, as PEARL HARBOR was just another FALSE FLAG fed to you Clergy-sucking Creatures... Again...NO OFFENSE! Uploaded just 2 days after Rita was admitted to AGH for 222-day 24/7 Terrorist Murder by AGH Dr John W Hoyt... ELITIST TERRORIST MURDERING MONSTER... THE ENVY OF MENGELE. NO OFFENSE! The Rockefeller's Eugenics AMA Murder-For-Organs scam against Humanity has been the CEO Club's most lucrative Obamanation since the '01 Bush-Clinton Attack of AMERICANS' Freedoms, although it'd been in full swing since the 1980s AT LEAST! Pick a medical scam...any scam below: *********************************** *********************************** ***********************************