NEED 428 TO BOLDLY BEG KDKA FOR THE TRUTH... HUFFINGTON POST COOBORATION, CLICK HERE. FLEETWOOD MAC LE-JIT JITNEY 15202...412-313-3080 CRONOLOGY OF THE 911 TENTH ANNIVERSARY... 2/01/11...DR SYED R HUSSAINI BEGINS 24/7 TERRORISM. 9/10/11...DR D KIM ZAISER ENDS 222-DAY TERRORISM. DR SYED N HUSSAINI BECOMES DR SYED N HUSAINI, MOVES FROM SYED R'S HOSPITAL, OUT OF TOWN... ABOVE IS SOP FOR ALLEGHENY HEALTH NETWORK Three+ year UPMC-HIGHMARK-WPAHS (AHN) SQUABBLE? UPMC knows WPAHS/HIGHMARK committed THE 911 10th Anniversary 222-day 24/7 Terrorism of HEALTHY "patient" Rita Joanne Conley from 2/01/11 till 9/10/11... AHN/HIGHMARK know that UPMC did not report terror (because of AHN CEO murderer JOHN W PAUL having FOUNDED UPMC) to the Authorities on 25 September 2012, the day I reported the entire terror-murder MO to Kim Sweeney (Chief of UPMC Security)... So all three have each other BY THE BALLS, THUS THE NEVER-ENDING IMPASSE!!! How could this happen? It's just a variation of AMA/AHN/HIGHMARK/NYODN MURDER-FOR-ORGANS. Why did Hussaini KNOW (until he fucked with my family) he would get away with his prestige-making terror? Because AMA/DHS knows HUSSAINI would BLAB TO THE WORLD about AMA/Elite/Bilderberg MURDER FOR ORGANS Worldwide! And since he is a "DOCTOR", you'd all believe him... WOULDN'T YINZ? John W. Hoyt...AGH...WPAHS Anesthesiological Terrorist My little sister was this clown's Anesthetist FOR MANY YEARS... ALLEGHENY HEALTH NETWORK My Sincere apologies to Gacy's Family for the inference. Next...Why USA ENABLES AND COVERS UP Al-Qaeda Medical Terrorism. ANSWER...Terrorists like Dr Hussaini know AMA has murdered "patients" for decades via infections, anesthesia, and fabricated diagnosis to save money per BAD INSURANCE and MURDER-FOR-ORGANS via fabricated diagnosis followed by pulling of fraudulent "life-support", all covered up by intentional Morphine Overdose (AND ORGAN "DONATION") AND THE TOTAL SEALING OF THE COMPLETE MEDICAL RECORDS by the Governor and DHS. TERRORISM is just a matter of degree, as to whether intentionally-tortured "patients" are terrorized 24/7 FOR DAYS OR FOR DECADES, UNTIL FAMILY PULLS PLUG, which would actually then SAVE "PATIENT'S" life, if not for the INTENTIONAL MORPHINE OVERDOSE!!! IN OTHER WORDS...AMA terrorists are blackmailed by Al-Qaeda terrorists. Now I'm just a Biochemist Inventor Cab Driver. I wonder if you'd give more credence to a highly respected Anesthesiologist of 35 years experience. I imagine we'll see fairly soon. Start at 3:57 of RAGE. Between planned infections and fabricated diagnoses, I estimate AMA murders 1000 healthy "patients" per day, as could be represented by this 1000-round burst. SO WHAT DOES 10TH ANNIVERSARY TERRORIST LOOK LIKE? Well, even though Dr Syed R Hussaini has worked for WPAHS for over 30 years (and STILL works for WPAHS), ALL IMAGES OF HUSSAINI HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY ERASED FROM THE INTERNET OR WEB...Yes ALL of them...WHY? Because terrorist Hussaini is blackmailing terrorist AMA, who must help Hussaini beat this terror/murder rap, else Hussaini will expose AMA MURDER-FOR-ORGANS at a USA rate of hundreds of thousands PER YEAR. ALSO, Syed R looks EXACTLY like Syed N HUSAINI, who changed his name to disassociate himself from his PIECE-OF-CRAP likeness HUSSAINI. Notice Syed N has changed his last name to HUSAINI ALSO, 30-yr veteran Dr HUSSAINI can't be found IN WPAHS DIRECTORY, WHERE HE'S WORKED FOR 30 YEARS!!! Finally, am I a goody-two-shoes trying to save your Lives? NO...I would pay to watch each of you sheep die in the exact same manner Hussaini tortured my wife to death...But if I can get justice for my family, I'll learn to live with saving 20% of your ZOMBIE LIVES. Note that "brain-death" is used to determine EVERYONE'S DEATH, so we are talking FRAUD PER 20 % OF ALL DEATHS EVERWHERE, NOT JUST DEATHS CAUSED BY FRAUDULENT LIFE-SUPPORT AND MORPHINE OVERDOSE SCAM! Pick a medical scam...any scam below: *********************************** *********************************** ***********************************