NEED 9 TO DEMAND TRUTH FROM KDKA... HUFFINGTON POST COOBORATION, CLICK HERE. 15202 FLEETWOOD MAC JITNEY FOR LIFE...412-313-3080 2/01/11...RITA FRAUDULENTLY ADMITTED TO AGH. 16 AUGUST 2011...JUDGE KATHERINE B EMERY MURDERS VIA FRAUDULENT GUARDIANSHIP RULING, AS A FAVOR TO HIGHMARK (KDKA). 17 AUGUST 2011...KRISTIN EMERY POSTS RESUME... Note that Kristin removes DATE after I post this. Note that UNHIJACKED Resume still has DATE on it. 9/10/11...RITA GIVEN MORPHINE OVERDOSE BY AGH DR KIM ZAISER MAY 2012...KRISTIN EMERY GETS KDKA JOB. JUNE 2012...KDKA DOES FEATURE OF JUDGE EMERY. AMA, AND OTHERS, WILL KILL YOU FOR ORGANS ($), OR TO SAVE $ PER "BAD INSURANCE" (OR BOTH). Start machine gun at 3:11 of FOO. This is # of healthy "unproductive patients" killed per day BY THE AMA, MEDIA, GOVERNMENT, AND ORGANIZED CRIME. The KDKA-HIGHMARK team murders "patients" every day... Why was THIS MURDER so special? It was the WORLD BANKERS' 10TH ANNIVERSARY attack on a healthy American Woman FROM 211 UNTIL 911, That is 2/01/11 until 9/10/11... 222 days of 24/7 REAL SCREAMING human sacrifice, as is done only symbolically at annual meetings of the BOHEMIAN CLUB! Just ask AGH PCU Nurse VICTORIA who told kindly old Dr Ronald Octavius Monah, on 7 April 2011, that Rita was constantly screaming for "husband" (REMEMBER RITA'S SUPPOSED TO BE "BRAIN-DEAD"). When I told Monah that Rita was REALLY UPSET, Ronald sent her to the GREENERY DEATH CAMP (in JUDGE KATHERINE B EMERY'S CANONSBURG PA), INSTEAD OF JUST SENDING HER HOME...ask VICKY!!! How do I get away with slandering HUNDREDS OF ELITIST SCUM UP TO JANET NAPOLITANO??? SIMPLE...THE TRUTH IS NOT SLANDER... or I would be in jail, believe me, THEY'VE TRIED! So what DO the ELITE do??? THEY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! so they won't be forced to prosecute THEMSELVES. If you force KDKA to make ANY comment whatsoever regarding murder-for-organs, I WILL PUT THOUSANDS OF CRIMINALS INTO PRISON WORLD-WIDE, and save your simpleton lives by the 100s of thousands EVERY YEAR. NOTE THAT IT WILL LIKELY TAKE SEVERAL (UNRESPONDED TO) SIGNED PETITIONS TO DEMONSTRATE TO EVERYONE IN THE COUNTY WHAT A CRIMINAL FARCE KDKA IS! Otherwise, exactly 40% of the common people in the USA will find out THE HARD WAY WHAT MY WIFE WENT THROUGH, as you are PREVENTED FROM SCREAMING FOR HELP! Or maybe you think that the TRANSPLANT COORDINATOR of the NYODN, and myself, AND THE CHINESE PROTESTERS,
whose Petitions you DID SIGN (regarding CHINESE MEDICAL MURDER-FOR-ORGANS), have nothing better to do THAN TO MAKE SHIT UP!? Maybe you should move to CHINA, where murder-for-organs doesn't apply TO THE WHOLE 47% WITH "BAD INSURANCE"...
Just don't be a Chinese INMATE, and you have a better chance than in the USA. BTW, that's what the GREENERY calls its "patients",
INMATES. PS: Doctors (Hospitals) SILENCE SELECTED HEALTHY "PATIENTS" BY FRAUDULENTLY TRACHING AND/OR VENTILATING THEM INTER ALIA. But hey, don't take OUR WORD for it... Listen to Jack Kennedy in the above speech that got him shot in the head by the SAME ELITE THAT I REFER YOU TO IN GOVERNMENT, MEDIA, ORGANIZED CRIME...AND THEIR BILDERBERG OWNERS. if YOU don't save your own life, while ELITE intentionally kill you for money, THEN THAT WOULD MAKE YOU SCREWED NOW WOULDN'T IT?! Pick a medical scam...any scam below: *********************************** *********************************** *********************************** ***********************************